How to Prepare Your Child for Your Family’s Maui Photo Session

Scheduling a photo session on Maui, along with all the other plans you’ve made for your trip, can feel like a lot. If you’re like most clients, your kids aren’t only adjusting to a new environment on Maui but a significant time change as well. That can be tough for anyone. 

Thankfully, there are several ways you can prepare your little ones for a session at one of our gorgeous Maui locations. With these tips, you will have plenty of tools to make you feel prepared and confident that everyone will enjoy themselves at our session. 

Maui family of five with young children taking a photo in the jungle.

Related Posts: How to Pick the Perfect Time for Your Maui Photo Session, Maui Photography Beaches, What to Wear for Your Maui Photo Session

Pick the best time of day for your family

Clients traveling from the mainland will experience a time change, anywhere from 2-6 hours. Be mindful of how this may impact your family when it comes to your photo session. 7:00 am feels a lot less early when it’s really 11:00am your time, and 6:00pm feels a lot later when it’s 10:00pm your time. You can use the time change to your advantage by planning a morning session earlier in your trip, or a sunset session once you’ve acclimated to Hawaii time. 

Ensure your kids are comfortable in what they’re wearing

If your child is in pain, it will certainly show on their face. Sometimes the outfit just isn’t worth it! Dressing for our session can actually be pretty simple. Focus on making sure your child has no issues with their attire so it’s easy for them to have fun and that will show through in the photos!

Side note: children often love to play at these locations (sandy beaches) so plan for an outfit that is easy to wash or that you don’t mind getting dirty. 

Mother and daughter playing in Maui ocean waves at sunset

Make sure everyone is well-fed, and bring snacks

We all know how painful an experience can feel when we’re hungry. When it comes to photo sessions, hungry kids aren’t what we want during a session. Plan your day around the photo session by strategically planning to eat prior to the session (or at least making sure the kids have a bit to eat). In addition, bringing your kids’ favorite snacks along will ensure that they have something to do in between shots, and prevent any unexpected meltdowns. The best snacks to bring are dry clean snacks, like cheerios, that won’t make a stain. 

Drink plenty of water

This is especially true for morning sessions! Many clients are shocked by how quickly the day heats up on Maui, even at 8:00am. Lahaina actually means “merciless sun.”  Bringing water to ensure everyone is well-hydrated will allow you to enjoy the session and respond to the heat of the day. Some beaches have beach parks with bathrooms and water fountains, while others may only have a shower. You can see this post for descriptions of beaches and their offerings. I always recommend using the restroom beforehand if you can!

One year old and father on maui beach at sunset, child is eating a rice snack while father picks him up.

Talk to your child about the photo session prior to the shoot

It’s not ideal to surprise your child with a photo session or keep them in the dark about your plans. Instead, tell them that a photographer is going to take photos of them and your family at (insert location).  If they’re old enough, you may want to lay out what will be expected of them and any expectations you have for their behavior. Make sure they understand that this will be a  FUN experience full of laughter and exploring, and everyone will have a good time!

Embrace little rewards

Little incentives are ideal to keep your child motivated throughout the session. Small candies, lollipops, or even a trip to get ice cream can have your child sitting pretty for photos. Any of these recommendations combined with a new small toy or trinket is sure to keep your child entertained and happy throughout the session. 

Father and small daughter sitting on grass holding hands smiling and looking at each other.

Keep it positive

Your kids can feel when you’re stressed or anxious, and they may reflect those feelings as well. Once you arrive at your session, take a few deep breaths and relax. All of my families leave their sessions with fun, timeless photos that they treasure forever. I love capturing special moments and I will ensure that your session is fun, beautiful, and memorable!

I hope these tips gave you some helpful tools to make sure your kids are eager to jump in front of the camera. Thanks for reading and I look forward to chatting with you soon!


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How to Pick the Perfect Time for Your Family Photo Session